I’m a software engineer by trade, part owner of a small company in suffolk, UK. In downtime, I’d like to think I would re-vitalise on 1962 Landrover, but in reality, working on technical stuff is more interesting, and warmer :).

Things I’ve done in the past include opening the BT Homehub V2A & V2B for use with OpenWRT (applying great hacks by others to good effect….) – coming back to the HH after a few years of absence, I find the brilliant people working on OpenWRT now have both units in trunk :).

Also tinkered with a Rikomagic MK802-1G; build a robot around it from a ‘RoboRover’ toy, complete with Eyetoy camera with mjpegstreamer (inspired by the fantastic Ian Renton blog). Recently found that the MK802 is basically supported by vanilla Debian!.. another win…

Got a RPi3 this Xmas; combined with Alexa Echo, Node-Red, mosquitto, a simple custom Skill, lovely iTead sonoff wifi switches; and home automation is up and running.
Looking forward to controlling a CX-10wifi for a bit of autonomous indoor drone action; already hooked it up to the home wifi…